These short powerful animated films have been developed by Janet Fyle, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and Woven Ink in collaboration with The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), Survivors of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), NGOs and a variety of local community partners.
They are aimed at creating awareness around the health and physiological consequences of FGM and cut through much of the inaccurate and misleading information circulating in the public sphere about FGM.
We worked closely with FGM survivors to ensure the authenticity of the stories being told via the animations and remained true to the realities of FGM and its psychological impact.
#EndFGM | The Words Don’t Come (1/5)
#EndFGM | Our Daughters (2/5)
#EndFGM | It’s Our Time Now (3/5)
#EndFGM | We Must Protect Her (4/5)
As in the previous three animations, which adopted a non-didactic approach, the films are scripted from recordings of the personal reflections of men and their views about FGM and finding a way forward to abandon the practice.
#EndFGM | Men Have A Role To Play (5/5)
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© Use freely with Credit to the Authors.
Welcome to use for educational purposes. Not for commercial Use
Authors: Royal College of Midwives @MidwivesRCM @Dahliaproject1