ACERS-UK launches a Parliamentary Petition on International Women’s Day: Advocating for research into Clitoral Reconstruction and psychosexual and Emotional Support for FGM survivors

In celebration of International Women’s Day, on March 8th, 2024, the ACERS-UK project is launching a parliamentary petition. ACERS-UK is a voluntary collective of FGM experts including:- FGM survivors/women with lived experience, charity workers, and health care professionals in partnership with Janet Fyle, FGM Policy Advisor for the Royal College of Midwives and with the support of several FGM charities including: The Vavengers, FORWARD UK, Manor Gardens, IKWRO, Midaye, Sister Circle and Integrate UK. We are Advocating for research into Clitoral Reconstruction and psychosexual and Emotional Support for FGM survivors in the UK.
Reconstruction surgery for FGM survivors is available in several European countries such as Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Spain (often integrated with psychosexual therapy) as well as in some countries in Africa (such as Egypt, Burkino Faso, Kenya) and parts of the USA. However, such services are conspicuously absent in the UK.
Despite providing gender reassignment surgery, labiaplasty, and post-cancer vulva reconstruction, the NHS does not afford FGM survivors the same level of patient choice. It is imperative that we address this glaring health disparity promptly. Ensuring the availability of optimal treatment options for FGM survivors is an integral aspect of the #EndFGM campaign.

PLEASE click on the link below to SIGN & SHARE OUR PETITION!!
Fund reconstruction surgery and psychosexual therapy for FGM survivors – Petitions (
If you want to find out more information about reconstruction surgery and the work of our project, please look out our webpage
FGM Specialist Network – FGM Network
Or email Juliet at